Thursday, September 20, 2012


It is really hard to believe that this journey is over.  The last day - Friday, September 14th was simply amazing. I was surrounded by unbelievable family and friends.  Truly humbled by the amount of support and encouragement.

Day 366 took place at Crossfit Threshold.  To my surprise 13 other people did them with me and we had people there cheering us on as well.  We did 10 burpees EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 36 minutes.  By the 18th minute, it started getting rough but we did it!!  The longest round of 10 burpees took me 34 the last 50, I had so many emotions pushing me through!  What a moment to jump up for the 67,161st time!!!!

The celebrating began immediately after!!!!!

The fund raising event that night at Cervezas was a huge success, raising almost $1200.  It was a great turn out and such a varied group of people all enjoying some great beer!!! Again, simply amazing!!!!

I took my first 2 rest days in a year - doing absolutely nothing that resembled any form of exercise.  I still have yet to do a burpee...or push up...or a jump as a matter of fact.  It is a little strange, especially since the last 2 months of doing at least 300 a day - finding the time to do them and any other workout became quite a challenge at times.

Throughout this year I have been so blessed. I want to thank all my friends and family who witnessed burpees, counted burpees and did burpees with me!!  Please continue to support this organization and spread the word about it!

 many thanks to everyone!

 the best beer ever!
 I'm pretty sure I will never be able to do 10 burpees again without putting a tally mark somewhere!
 The most amazing group of women!!! OLWB!!!

 awesome gifts from 2 wonderful people that I am lucky enough to have in my life!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

3 effin' days left!!!!

I just finished day 363!!! I really can't believe it is almost over.This will be my last post before I post pics and highlights from the final day!!  Days 359, 360 and 361 were only burpees.  Day 360 was very cool, I count my burpees each day with a tally for every 10....I put my last "10 burpees done" tally.  Yesterday I did 362 with a chest and leg workout in between sets of burpees.  My total count so far is 66,066.  The plan for the next 2 days is just burpees and then on Friday, September 14th...we will be doing 10 burpees EMOM for 37 minutes.

 I have had the most amazing friends and family supporting me throughout this journey - it has meant the world to me! I am honored to be a part of Mammograms in Action and to raise funds for their amazing organization.

please continue to support this cause and spread the word.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day #358....8 days left!

Days 354, 355 and 356 were only burpees!  Day #357 was the last crazy park good friend, Dave -who has been doing these park workouts designed the workout for 357.  In the theme of giving female names to crazy workouts and seeing that 357 was divisible by 21...Dave named this WOD "the bitches are legal".  21 reps of goes....

sit ups
KBS (I used 30#)
russian twist - 30# DB...L/R=1
bench dips
push ups
OH walking lunges - 30#...L/R=1
mt. climbers...L/R=1
Farmer carry - 2 30#db
then go back up ending with sit took me 62:04

the only way to celebrate "the bitches are legal" was with some tequila at lunch!!!

Day #358 -
I did 50 deadlift burpees with a 30# db in each hand
then 50 regular burpees
50 w/deadlift
50 regular
50 w/deadlift
50 regular
58 w/deadlift......even though the weight was not that heavy for a deadlift, I'm pretty sure I am going to be feeling those 208 deadlifts tomorrow!! 

I have 8 days left!!!!  Total burpee count is ....64,261

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 353

Day 351 was not easy after the long park workout for day 350.  Yesterday and today were only burpees.  I'm adding a few pictures that I got from day 350.  I am finally on the last calendar page of my burpee calendar!  Total count so far 62,481. Less than 5000 burpees left.