Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I have officially passed the half way mark in my burpee count...8 and half months DONE - 259 days DONE...33, 670 burpees DONE!!!

Thanks again to Amy  for programming my workout to celebrate this milestone -

"7 deadly sins"
37 burpee straddle hops (16")
37 bar touch burpees (6" above reach)
37 Med Ball burpees (20#)
37 burpee box jumps (16")
37 DB burpee thrusters (2 -15# DBs)
37 lateral hop burpees (20")
37 burpees

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day #258

I was with a group of friends a couple week ago and someone mentioned people doing a 1000 squat challenge and with my warped idea of fun, I couldn't wait to try it. Today was the day....

10 rounds

26 burpees (only 24 on the last round)
100 squats.....61:36

Monday, May 28, 2012

Days #256 and #257

Day #256 was in Key West again, this time I did do my burpees in a workout....5 rounds...50 burpees, 500 meter run, 20 sumo squats (40# KB) + 6 burpees.

Day #257 - just burpees

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Days #254 and #255 were burpees Key West!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day #253

Day #252 was just burpees

Day #253
Again I would like to thank my awesome, bad ass friend, Amy for programming this workout for me!!!!

my back immediately following such an intense workout, which also brings the burpee count to 32, 131, ...a little scary - 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day #251...short and sweet

10 rounds

15 KBS (30#)
20 ab mat sit ups
25 burpees (26 the first round)....40:53

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day #250 - 31, 375

Days #246-#250 have just been burpees....weekends are difficult to turn them into a workout.  Day #246 was my second workout that day - that morning was my 6th and last GRIT workout....4 rounds - 1mile sandbag run (25#), 50 wall ball shots (14#/10')....62:52. 

Posting  a few pics that I just got from my Cinco de Mayo -"tequila/burpee" workout with my amazing friend Amy!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day #245

7 rounds....
15 deadlifts w/95#
20 1arm DB snatches -10 each arm w/25#
25 double unders
30 russian twists w/30# KB - each side counts
35 burpees!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

8 months DONE!!!!

Day #244 - Today is 8 months into this challenge.  This day is also, sadly 10 years from when my mother lost her battle with breast cancer and why I am doing this.  I miss her everyday - the most beautiful, selfless, strong and amazing woman ever. I strive to be like her and to be the same example to my children as she was to me.  I am honored to be part of the Burpees 4 Boobs family!  Day #238 was just burpees. Day #239 fell on Thursday, which is the same day as my 6 week, Thursday 5:30am GRIT class....that workout had 54 burpees in it (tabata style) so then I finished the rest after the group workout was completed.  Days #240, 241 and 242 were done in Key West....I took great joy in doing them on Sunday, Day 242 - it was Mother's Day! <3.  Day #243 was just burpees and today I did my burpees with 150 sit ups and kettlebell swings.   Total burpee count is 29,890!!!!  Please spread the word and

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

#236 and #237

Day #236....I did the first 46 with a client - we burpeed across the roof of the parking garage where I work as his warm up, then I did the other 190 as just burpees.

Day #237 - I did career day at the elementary school where my younger 2 go....I figured you're never too young to learn how to do a burpee....I knocked out 30 of them with a bunch of 1st and 3rd graders. Then I went to the gym for a traditional workout day and did my burpees there as my cardio before the workout. With yesterdays, I also crossed the 28K mark.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day #235

Days 230 and 231 were just burpees. Day 232, I did 10 kettle bell swings (35#) and then 30 burpees until I reached 232.

Day 233 was a special day.....33 being my favorite #, I have made any burpee day with that # a more "fun" workout.  I have video of day #33 and Day #133 on this blog.  A great friend of mine loves designing workouts so I called on her to design my day #233 workout and she came up with a crazy one for sure 

took me 57:10 to complete!! Thanks Amy!!

Yesterday was day #234 and also Cinco de Mayo....after a crazy workout with Day 233 and it being a Saturday, I enlisted Amy to join me with these burpees and this time I would design the workout. 

We did 10 burpees on the minute and then a shot of tequila after each 50 with a final shot "buyout" when we finished.  Amy did the first 100 with me and then did 5 on the minute to my 10 for the rest.

Today I will be doing 235 ....minus other exercises and tequila!!

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