Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The video explains my day for #133

To catch you up on the other days - #129 and #130 were in Key West....while doing day 130, I overheard my 8 year old son say to my 7 year old daughter "I know mom CAN do burpees fast but some days she is off"!!!  Had to stop and laugh - most of my "off" days involve me being in Key West....go figure!!!  Day #131 I started doing it  as a WOD -but was just exhausted and not feeling it - I started with 13 burpes boxjumps (20") and then 10 DB 1arm snatches (30#). I kept the boxjumps for the first 5 rounds and kept the snatch, alternating arms for 8 rounds and then did the last 2 rounds of just 13 burpees plus 1 last burpee to make 131.  Yesterday I just did my 132 burpees with my normal "10 @ a time, catch my breath, 10 more...repeat"  method.

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